Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Spring Family Photo Session 5.23.10

Below is the link to view some of our pictures taken by Chris Whitsett. When she posts more I will update you. I'm very pleased. She captured some great photos of the boys!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Carter's first year of T-Ball

This was at his first game. He was ready for action and did really well playing short stop!
Nice Hit!

Before the game
Go Hunter Green!

This was at a practice.

Our visit with Grandma Meams

Carter took this picture. I cropped it a little but he did pretty good. For those of you who don't know this is my dads mom. She is the funniest woman I know!

Luke was being silly. He kept running back and forth out of the picture but I managed to get him.

We love our Grandma Meams!

Mother's Day

The greatest title in the world!

Circus at Nationwide 5.13.10


Stacey and Reese
Me, Mom, Stacey and the boys

Mushroom Hunting

They had to have walking sticks and all! We didn't find as many this year. They were still yummy!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Apologies for the blog neglect 4.30.10

The fam on Easter

Easter Egg coloring

The new play area under construction

The boys by 1 of 4 trees we planted


Instead of trying to catch everyone up on photos since October 2009 let's just start fresh. I will try to post more frequently. If you are my friend on facebook you are probably a little more up to date with things. I'm sure most of you can relate to a busy life of a working mom. What's new with us? We got a puppy and his name is Cooper (Cooper Tires, get it). Carter is in T-Ball and will be starting Kindergarten this fall. He did so well at his screening. Luke will be going to Discovery Center in the afternoon since he is not a morning person like his mom & dad. Clark is busy at work everyday and tries to help out at LeVan's Power Equipment whenever he gets the chance. I am swamped at work and still learning insurance. The evenings are short which leaves little time to get settled in our house. Yes, we are not settled and we have been living there since October. Still no pictures on wall and boxes to unpack in the basement etc. We recently had water leakage in the basement, ugh! Clark is almost finished building the boys a play area. We are loving our big yard with lots of room for the boys and Cooper to run! Well, until the next post which will hopefully be before another 7 months, ha!